Food & Wine Pairing: Pan Roasted Duck Breasts with Cippolini Onions

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As we get down to our last few available cases of the 2013 and 2014 Larner Grenache, we thought we’d celebrate by sharing one of our favorite summertime duck breast preparations. This Pan-Roasted Duck Breasts with Onions pairs extremely well with green beans and both the 2013 and 2014 SAMsARA Grenache.from Larner Vineyard.

2 duck breasts

20 cippolini onions
2 garlic cloves 
1/4lb cubed pancetta
4 sprigs of thyme
1/4 cup dry red wine
2 Tblsp balsamic vinegar
3 Tblsp olive oil 

Step 1
Preheat oven to 400º Roast. Toss onions and thyme with 2 tblsp olive oil and place in a cast iron pan or other roasting vessel..Roast in oven for about 30 minutes, turning every 10 minutes to brown sides evenly. Move to a serving dish when tender and golden.

Step 2
Score the fat on the duck in a crosshatch pattern; season the duck with salt and pepper. Add the duck to the warm pan just used for roasting onions, skin side down, and cook over medium heat until the skin is golden brown, about 7 minutes. Turn the duck and cook for about 5 minutes for medium rare. Transfer the duck to a cutting board and let rest for 5 minutes.

Step 3

Add pancetta to the skillet and cook over moderate heat until browned and crisp, about 3 minutes; drain on paper towels. Add the garlic to the skillet and cook over medium heat until fragrant but not browned, about 1 minute. Pour off all remaining oil/fat.  Add the red wine and bring to a boil, scraping up any browned bits. Remove the skillet from the heat; whisk in 1 tblsp olive oil and the balsamic vinegar.

Step 4
Slice duck breast a move to a serving dish with roasted onions. Pour balsamic jus over onions and top with pancetta.

[gdlr_button href=”–Larner-Vineyard-Santa-Barbara-County” target=”_self” size=”small” background=”#8c1d2f” color=”#ffffff”]ORDER SAMSARA 2013 GRENACHE – LARNER VINEYARD[/gdlr_button] [gdlr_button href=”–Larner-Vineyard-Santa-Barbara-County” target=”_self” size=”small” background=”#8c1d2f” color=”#ffffff”]ORDER SAMSARA 2014 GRENACHE – LARNER VINEYARD[/gdlr_button]